Ultrasonography in Animals

ByTimothy Manzi, VMD, Dipl. ACVR, Dipl. ACVR - EDI, New Bolton Center, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Reviewed/Revised Aug 2024

Ultrasonography is the probably the second most commonly used imaging modality in veterinary practice. It uses ultrasonic sound waves most commonly in the frequency range of 1.5–18 megahertz (MHz) to create images of body structures based on the pattern of echoes reflected from the tissues and organs being imaged.

Several types of image formats can be displayed. The most familiar one (and the one that creates the actual image of anatomy) is B-mode grayscale scanning.

The sound beam is produced by a transducer placed in contact with and acoustically coupled by means of a transmission gel to the patient. An ultrashort pulse of sound is directed into the animal, after which the transducer switches to the receive mode. Echoes occur as the sound beam changes velocity while passing from a tissue of one density to one of another density, even when the change occurs at nearly microscopic levels.

The greater the change in velocity, the greater the strength of the echo. A small percentage of these echoes are reflected back to the transducer, which then reconverts the energy of the echoes into electrical impulses recorded by the computer in the ultrasound machine. The strength of the echo, the time required for the echo to return after the pulse, and the direction that the sound beam was sent are all recorded. Using information from multiple echoes, the machine creates an image that represents the appearance of the tissues when cut in the same plane on an anatomical specimen.

In modern scanning systems, the sound beam is swept through the body many times per second, producing a dynamic, real-time image that changes as the transducer is moved across the body. This real-time image is easier to interpret and allows the examiner to scan continuously until a satisfactory image is obtained. The image can then be frozen and recorded in a digital format, which also allows for recording of short segments of the real-time scan. As for radiography and all other medical imaging systems, the accepted, legal format for digital ultrasound images is the DICOM standard.

Ultrasonography is most commonly used to evaluate soft tissue structures in the abdomen, musculoskeletal system, and thorax. The sound beam is totally reflected at soft tissue/gas interfaces and absorbed at soft tissue/bone interfaces; gas and bone also “shadow” any other organs beyond them. Despite these limitations, ultrasonography is still a useful tool to evaluate osseous, articular, and periarticular margins, and the pleural surface, particularly in large animals. Bowel gas can inhibit imaging of adjacent abdominal organs, and the heart must be imaged from locations that do not require the sound beam to pass through the lungs.

Ultrasonographic imaging is also limited in regard to the depth of tissue that can be examined. Many scanners are capable of displaying tissues to a depth of approximately 30 cm; however, the image can be quite noisy at that depth. This is because most tissue echoes do not return directly to the transducer but are reflected in some other direction. By a depth of 30 cm, the loss of energy from the sound beam results in echoes so weak the scanner cannot separate the returning echoes from the background electronic noise. In addition, some echoes not directly reflected can return to the transducer by reflecting off a tissue outside the beam path. Such echoes require longer to return to the transducer and are depicted at a spurious location, adding noise to the image.

Low-frequency transducers can scan deeper than high-frequency transducers, but resolution is decreased. There is much less loss of beam intensity in fluid media such as urine in the bladder, so if the beam passes through fluid, the maximum scanning depth can be increased at the expense of temporal resolution.

In equids, ultrasonography is most often used to detect and evaluate the presence of tears in the tendons and ligaments of the legs. Transrectal ultrasonography is also commonplace in large animals for assessment of the reproductive system. Examination of joints and the margins of bones around the joints in both large and small animals is also widely performed and yields information not available from standard radiographic evaluation. In small animals, soft tissue lesions of the ligaments, tendons, joint capsule, and articular cartilage of the shoulder and stifle joints are readily detectable by an experienced examiner. Most joints and muscles can be evaluated by ultrasonography if the operator is familiar with the normal anatomy and the manner in which pathological changes of those structures is manifested on the image.

Changes in the size and shape of organs, tissues, and structures are evident in most cases; however, evaluation of the echo pattern is based on comparison with that of organs and tissues the examiner has scanned in other animals. The person evaluating the scan must have a firm idea, developed from experience and comparison with known normals, of the normal echo pattern for each organ scanned with each transducer. The echo pattern will change between transducers because of changes in axial and transaxial resolution as well as transducer design. Comparison of the echogenicity of several tissues must be made because any organ can have increases or decreases in the echogenicity of its parenchyma.

Diseased organs may be uniformly altered in echogenicity or exhibit focal or multifocal changes. Focal changes are usually easier to detect than uniform changes. Ultrasonographic lesions are sometimes quite characteristic of a given disease process, but more often the changes are nonspecific. Although ultrasonography can be quite sensitive to detection of disease, the changes are not specific for a given disease in most cases unless a characteristic change in anatomical presentation is detected along with changes in echogenicity.

Advancements in ultrasound technology have improved the ability to detect diseases previously not able to be well characterized by ultrasonographic evaluation. Pancreatitis is an example. Historically, the pancreas was not considered an organ that could be evaluated with ultrasonography; however, ultrasonography has become a mainstay of assessing animals with suspected pancreatic disease. Yet, such assessments do not always agree with clinicopathological findings or physical examination. In some cases, the physical examination and clinicopathological data will suggest pancreatitis, but it is not detected on ultrasonographic examination. This is probably due to the difficulty of interrogating the entire pancreas using ultrasonography. In other cases, chronic pancreatitis can be indicated by ultrasonographic examination but poorly characterized by clinicopathological data because of the chronic status of the disease.

Hyperadrenocorticism is also frequently difficult to interpret on the basis of ultrasonographic examination or any other imaging modality because of the problems of benign adenomas that have no clinical importance in the adrenal glands and because in true cases of hyperadrenocorticism, the adrenal glands are being overdriven by a pituitary adenoma and are not themselves structurally abnormal.

Other instances of increased usage of ultrasonography are in the evaluation of other soft tissues, such as muscle and tendon injuries, as well as cartilage injuries in various joints, such as the shoulder and stifle.

Ultrasonography can also be used to direct biopsy instruments to acquire tissue for a specific pathological diagnosis. This method is much safer and more diagnostic than blind biopsy; further, in many cases, it obviates the need for an open surgical exploration. Lesions buried within large organs such as the liver and kidneys that might not be detectable at surgery may be detected and biopsied with ultrasonographic guidance.

Presurgical diagnosis permits more thorough and specific planning of surgical procedures and presurgical treatment of lesions. These procedures can frequently be safely performed with the patient under heavy sedation and analgesia. Ultrasound-guided biopsy and aspiration of lesions can also be performed in large animals without the need for general anesthesia.

Echocardiography in Ultrasonography of Animals

Echocardiography is ultrasonic evaluation of the heart. Historically, it was done using the M-mode format of displaying ultrasound information. A narrow beam of sound is projected into the heart, and the echo pattern and strength are displayed on a persistence screen, with the x-axis of the display representing time (y-axis is depth), similar to the familiar format of an ECG. The pattern and amplitude of movement of the walls of the chambers of the heart and valves can be evaluated, as well as the size of the respective structures along the path of the sound beam.

The M-mode format has very high temporal resolution and thus is especially suited to evaluation of rapidly moving structures such as heart valve leaflets. Similar to interpretation of radiographs, considerable experience is required to obtain and interpret diagnostic studies. The M-mode examination has been coupled with real-time B-mode studies to improve the accuracy of beam placement and add additional information, such as shape of the chamber.

Ultrasonographic images are also used to acquire quantitative information about cardiac function. Measurement of specified parameters can be made on either the M-mode scan or on the 2-dimensional B-mode image. Some advanced systems have the ability to produce a 3-dimensional image of heart structures. Mathematical formulas are then applied to determine values for cardiac output, ventricular contractility, ejection fraction, ventricular wall stiffness, and other cardiac functions.

Doppler ultrasonography makes use of Doppler effect—the familiar phenomenon that sound emitted from a moving object (eg, an ambulance siren) has a different apparent frequency to someone standing still relative to the moving object. If the object is moving away from the observer, the frequency of the sound is lower; conversely, if the emitter is moving toward the observer, the frequency of the sound is higher.

The same is true of diagnostic ultrasound. Echoes from moving RBCs change the frequency of the sound reflected back to the transducer. The amount by which the frequency is shifted is proportional to the velocity of the RBCs; whether it is a positive or negative frequency shift is used to determine blood flow direction. This information is used to identify valvular regurgitation (insufficiency), increased flow velocity (as in stenosis), or abnormal movement of the blood in the heart or vessels elsewhere in the body.

Doppler ultrasound signals can be displayed in 2 formats:

  • In spectral Doppler ultrasonography, a sound beam is used to evaluate a specific small volume within the vessel of interest. This display resembles the M-mode display, except that the frequency shift, or velocity, is substituted on the y-axis. It also shares the high temporal resolution (millisecond) capabilities of the M-mode format.

  • The second way to display Doppler frequency shifts is to select a larger area of the scan on a real-time B-mode image, encoding the velocities and direction as a color spectrum. Blood flow direction is depicted by color (by convention, flow away from the ultrasound transducer is displayed as shades of red, and flow toward the transducer as shades of blue). Relative flow velocity is depicted by the shade of color (by convention, brighter shades of blue or red indicate faster flow in the respective direction). This allows evaluation of larger areas but at the price of lower temporal resolution. For this reason, color-encoded B-mode flow studies are used to guide placement of spectral sample volumes to acquire more accurate and complete information.

Thus, Doppler ultrasonographic studies complement and improve the accuracy and specificity of echocardiograms. Quantitative evaluation of spectral Doppler ultrasonographic studies also allows the examiner to determine values such as pressure gradients across valves and stenotic areas as well as resistance to flow of blood entering an organ. In some cases, abnormal blood flow patterns can be detected before obvious anatomical lesions are present.

Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation of blood flow is not limited to the heart. It is often used to assess blood flow of vessels in the abdomen and other locations and is the most specific way to do so. It can also be useful in detection of arterial or venous thrombosis or malformation.

Contrast Ultrasonography in Animals

Ultrasound contrast agents increase the reflectivity of blood and any tissue through which blood flows. Enhancement of blood reflectivity is usually accomplished by injection or formation of transient microscopic bubbles in the plasma. The increase in echogenicity is related to the amount of blood flowing through the tissue. The bubbles are quickly absorbed into the plasma and therefore do not constitute an embolism hazard.

The ability to evaluate the vascularity of a tissue provides additional information about the type of lesion present. Ultrasound contrast agents have had mixed success in improving the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonographic examinations. They are also relatively expensive, which precludes their use in all but special instances or funded research.

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