- Cricopharyngeal Achalasia in Small Animals
- Dilatation of the Esophagus in Small Animals
- Esophageal Dysmotility in Small Animals
- Esophageal Strictures in Small Animals
- Esophagitis in Small Animals
- Esophageal Foreign Bodies in Small Animals
- Esophageal Diverticula in Small Animals
- Bronchoesophageal Fistula in Small Animals
Inflammation of the esophagus is usually due to foreign bodies, gastroesophageal reflux, and occasionally certain drugs (eg, doxycycline). Gastroesophageal reflux is usually associated with anesthesia, drugs that decrease lower esophageal sphincter tone (eg, atropine, acepromazine), and acute or chronic vomiting. Other causes of esophagitis include ingestion of an irritating or caustic substance, neoplasia, and Spirocerca lupi infection. Feeding tubes that traverse the gastroesophageal junction may result in gastroesophageal reflux. Calicivirus in cats may also cause esophagitis.
Regurgitation is the classic sign of esophagitis; others include ptyalism, repeated swallowing attempts, pain, depression, anorexia, dysphagia, extension of the head and neck, and even chronic cough. Mild esophagitis may have no associated clinical signs.
Endoscopy is the diagnostic tool of choice. It allows visualization of any associated problems (eg, foreign body) and direct assessment of esophageal damage. Plain radiographs are of little or no benefit in the diagnosis of esophagitis. An esophagram under fluoroscopy demonstrates any associated esophageal motility defects secondary to the esophagitis and may demonstrate esophageal wall defects if severe.
Mild esophagitis may require no treatment. If clinical signs are present, medical treatment should be instituted. Esophagitis secondary to gastroesophageal reflux is treated by decreasing gastric acidity, increasing lower esophageal sphincter tone, increasing the rate of gastric emptying, and providing pain control. In most cases, H2-receptor antagonists (eg, ranitidine, famotidine) are sufficient to decrease gastric acid production; however, in severe cases of esophagitis, a proton pump inhibitor (eg, omeprazole) is preferred.
Cisapride and metoclopramide increase lower esophageal tone and the rate of gastric emptying. Cisapride is more potent than metoclopramide. A sucralfate slurry may also be administered orally for esophageal protection. Soft food, low in fat and fiber, should be fed in small, frequent meals. Systemic analgesics may be administered for pain relief.
If esophagitis is severe, a gastrostomy tube may be used to completely rest the esophagus. Oral administration of a cocktail of antacid and anaesthetic lidocaine may be beneficial in cases of severe esophagitis. The administration of corticosteroids to prevent esophageal stricture formation is controversial. Broad-spectrum antimicrobials should be administered for concurrent aspiration pneumonia and may be useful in severe esophagitis as an attempt to prevent bacterial invasion and infection.