Maureen H. Kemp, BVMS, PhD

Especialidades y experiencia

  • Farm animal practice, Veterinary surgery


  • BVMS, MVM, and PhD: University of Glasgow


  • Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) - Cattle Health and Production

Selección de premios, logros y publicaciones

  • Kemp MH. Survey of the management of dry cows in north east Wales. Livestock. 2014;19(6).
  • Kemp MH, Nolan AM, Cripps PJ, Fitzpatrick JL. Animal-based measurements of the severity of mastitis in dairy cows. Vet Rec. 2008;163:175-179.
  • Milne MH. Spastic paresis—surgical treatment under field conditions. Livestock. 2007;12(7).
  • Milne MH. An overview of udder oedema. Livestock. 2006;11(7).
  • Milne MH, Biggs AM, Barrett DC, et al. Treatment of persistent intramammary infection with Streptococcus uberis in dairy cows. Vet Rec. 2005;157:245-250.

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