Nina Yu-Hsin Kung, PhD, MSc, BVSc, BVM, FACTM

Especialidades y experiencia

  • Veterinary epidemiology; Emergency animal disease prevention, response, control, and proof of freedom; Animal disease spread modeling; Zoonoses: Hendra virus, Lyssaviruses, influenza viruses; Food safety: salmonellosis, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)


  • BVSc and PhD: Massey University, New Zealand
  • BVM: National Taiwan University, Taipei, Republic of China
  • MSc: James Cook University, Queensland, Australia


  • Fellow, Australasian College of Tropical Medicine (ACTM)

Selección de premios, logros y publicaciones

  • Achievement Award, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 2020
  • Kung NYH. Hendra virus in the field—risk profiling and management. Int J Infect Dis. 2019;79(suppl 6).
  • Kung NY, Field HE, McLaughlin A, Edson D, Taylor M. Flying-foxes in the Australian urban environment—community attitudes and opinions. One Health. 2015;1:24-30.
  • Field H, Kung N. Henipaviruses—unanswered questions of lethal zoonoses. Curr Opin Virol. 2011;1(6):658-661.

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