Carlos R. Pinto, MedVet, PhD, DACT

Especialidades y experiencia

  • Comparative theriogenology, Advanced assisted reproduction


  • MedVet: Sao Paulo State University
  • PhD: Louisiana State University


  • Diplomate, American College of Theriogenologists (ACT)

Selección de premios, logros y publicaciones

  • Ming H, Sun J, Pasquariello R, et al. The landscape of accessible chromatin in bovine oocytes and early embryos. Epigenetics. 2021;16(3):300-312.
  • Gutierrez-Castillo E, Ming H, Foster B, et al. Effect of vitrification on global gene expression dynamics of bovine elongating embryos. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2021;33(5):338-348.
  • Clérico G, Taminelli G, Veronesi JC, et al. Mitochondrial function, blastocyst development and live foals born after ICSI of immature vitrified/warmed equine oocytes matured with or without melatonin. Theriogenology. 2021;160:40-49.
  • Pinto CR. Impact of the corpus luteum on survival of the developing embryo and early pregnancy in mares. Theriogenology. 2020;150:374-381.
  • Leisinger CA, Medina V, Markle ML, Paccamonti DL, Pinto CRF. Morphological evaluation of Day 8 embryos developed during induced aluteal cycles in the mare. Theriogenology. 2018;105:178-183.

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