Courtesy of Dr. Barry OConnor.
Courtesy of Dr. Barry OConnor.
Cytodites nudus is a small, cosmopolitan mite occasionally noticed as white spots on the bronchi, lungs, air sacs, and abdominal organs of chickens, turkeys, pheasants, pigeons, canaries, and mallards. These mites are readily transmissible between birds through coughing. They are rarely found in commercial industries. The 14- to 21-day life cycle involves a larval and two nymphal stages. Infestation densities vary, and clinical signs range from none to weakness, weight loss, pneumonia, peritonitis, pulmonary edema, and death. Euthanasia of infected birds is the best means of control. Other recommended treatments include ivermectin or inhalation by birds of an insecticidal dust.
For More Information
Also see pet health content regarding air sac mites in birds.