Mobile Apps

We are proud to make the Manuals available for free in digital form to professionals and patients around the world. No registration or subscription is required.

Each Manuals mobile app was created for a specific audience: Medical practitioners, veterinary professionals, students, patients, caregivers, and families.



Professional App Logo


For medical professionals and students

This useful medical reference app covers etiology, pathophysiology, and options for evaluation and treatment within all major medical and surgical specialties. Topics written and updated regularly by more than 350 academic physicians.  Additional features include:

  • Photos and illustrations
  • Concise instructional videos
  • Editorials* written by top medical experts
  • Drug reference information*
  • Quizzes*
  • Interactive case simulations*
  • Medical news and commentary*

MSD Manual App Logo

The MSD Manual Guide to Obstetrics

For healthcare practitioners who take care of obstetric patients

The MSD Manual Guide to Obstetrics is now available within the U.S. and Canada and is a subset of the MSD Professional Manual. It includes 99 clear, concise topics and 14 videos covering:

  • Normal pregnancy and prenatal care
  • Evaluation and management of symptoms and complications of pregnancy
  • High-risk pregnancy
  • Normal and complicated labor and delivery
  • Postpartum care and complications
  • Initial care of the newborn, including newborn resuscitation
  • Family planning and prenatal genetic counseling

Available Languages



For patients, parents, and caregivers

The trusted Merck Manual Consumer medical app for home reference features clear, easy to understand explanations for thousands of medical disorders, including symptoms and what doctors do to diagnose and treat medical conditions.  Includes:

  • Photos, illustrations and videos on thousands of disorders and diseases
  • Animations that visually demonstrate diseases and treatments
  • Interactive quizzes* to test knowledge on health topics
  • A drug and medicine information guide* that includes drug Interactions, pill Identifier and medications and over-the-counter drugs
  • Self-assessments* to check your health and fitness levels

Veterinary App Logo


For veterinarians, students and other animal health professionals

The app for the world’s most widely used veterinary reference includes thousands of topics written and updated by more than 400 veterinary experts from 20+ countries.  It provides clear, practical explanations of thousands of conditions across all body systems and covers etiology, pathophysiology, and options for diagnosis and treatment.  Additional features include: 

  • An extensive image and video library
  • Quizzes*
  • Interactive case simulations*
  • Clinical calculators,
  • Reference guides and hundreds of useful tables
  • Pet health content*

Available Languages

*Internet access needed